
Tournament Gift Card – PRL iRacing Chevrolet Silverado Cup Challenge


For those like us who want to open access to real-world motorsports, providing the opportunity to go e2Real, you can support your fellow racer by providing the PRL Chevrolet Silverado Cup Challenge Tournament gift card. Those you gift will get the opportunity to earn a Prodigy Pass by winning the event, or by finishing in the top 500 and be selected by the Prodigy Search Committee. Each path offers getting into a real Radical SR1 and competing at our real-world academy, Prodigy Week, October 30 – November 1.

What’s Included:

  • Entry into the PRL iRacing Chevrolet Silverado Cup Challenge.

How It Works:

  • Purchase the Tournament Gift Card to secure your spot in the PRL iRacing Chevrolet Silverado Cup Challenge.
  • Share the thrill of competition with your friends and loved ones by gifting them entries into the challenge.

Why Choose the Tournament Gift Card:

  • Spread the joy of racing and forge unforgettable memories with friends and family.
  • Support the growth of the Racing Prodigy community and foster the dreams of aspiring racers.
  • More entries mean more real-life racing seats can be offered to talented individuals.
  • Help someone’s journey towards becoming a pro racing driver in the exciting world of e2Real racing.


Please ensure you are aware of and agree with the Tournament Gift Card Terms and Conditions prior to purchasing.

Delivery info

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